This question-and-answer-based language consultancy, which is part of the JEZIKLINGUA project, is an anonymous and free service that represents an important innovation in the field of language consulting in that it ties its activity specifically to the context of language contact. Targeting Slovenian speakers from the area of Slovenian-Italian language contact, our principal aim is to raise our users’ awareness about various aspects of language. We try to achieve this by providing informed answers to any kind of Slovenian language-related questions, with an emphasis on the context of Slovenian-Italian language contact. The topics discussed on these pages are, naturally, a reflection of our users interests, since it is our users that represent the source of our questions. We try to provide answers that are accessible without metalinguistic knowledge and provide as much useful information as possible. In case of language use-related dilemmas and quandaries, we seek to explain why the dilemma arises in the first place and how and with what sources you can approach similar quandaries in the future. A selection of questions and answers can be found by following the link izbor vprašanj in odgovorov (in Slovenian only). The selected questions are posted anonymously, without any information our users may have entered while registering (users must register before posting a question). In addition to regular questions, we also accept short texts in Slovenian (up to 2000 characters) for assessment with respect to their adherence to standard-Slovenian language norms – whether we deem that the general public is likely to accept the text as linguistically and stylistically suitable, or we rather recommend that for meeting that target it should be sent for professional language editing. In case of a need for only small modifications, we make our suggestions and equip them with short explanations. But it is always up to the user, naturally, to accept or ignore our suggestions. Some further reading on language consulting can be found under jezikovno svetovanje (in Slovenian), gradiva contains some relevant materials (in Slovenian), and koristne povezave lists some links to useful external websites.